Potassium Hydroxide Uses
2021/10/20 11:23

Potassium hydroxide has many different functions and uses.

1.It is primarily used as an intermediate in industrial manufacturing processes, such as the manufacture of fertilisers, potassium carbonate or other potassium salts and organic chemicals.

2.It is also used in the manufacture of detergents and in alkaline batteries.

3.Small-scale uses include drain cleaning products, paint removers and degreasing agents.

4.manufacture of liquid soap;

5.mordant for wood;

6.absorbing CO2;

7.mercerizing cotton;

8.paint and varnish removers;

9.electroplating, photoengraving and lithography;

10.printing inks;

11.in analytical chemistry and in organic syntheses.

12.Pharmaceutic aid (alkalizer).

Potassium hydroxide is used in making liquidsoap and potassium salts, in electroplatingand lithography, in printing inks, as a mordantfor wood, and finds wide applicationsin organic syntheses and chemical analyses.

potassium hydroxide is used as an emulsifier in lotions and as an alkali in liquid soaps, protective creams, and shaving preparations. Depending on the concentration used, it can be highly irritating to the skin and/or cause a burning sensation.

Potassium Hydroxide is a water-soluble food additive and bleaching agent. upon exposure to air it readily absorbs carbon dioxide and moisture and deliquesces. it is used to destroy the bitter chemical constituents in olives that will be used as black olives.