The price of xylene
2021/05/25 14:56

According to the data, the price trend of the domestic xylene market has dropped sharply. Pengzhou Petrochemical Plant, Urumqi Petrochemical Plant and Fuhai Chuang Aromatics Plant each run a production line. Hengli Petrochemical's PX plant has undergone major repairs, and other plants have also temporarily suspended operations. The operating rate of the domestic xylene plant is about 70%, and the operating rate of the domestic xylene plant is about 70%. The PX plant of the Hengli Petrochemical PX plant has been overhauled. The PX plants of other plants are also running smoothly recently. The xylene market is It runs smoothly. The operating rate of PX equipment in Asia is about 80%, the operating rate in Asia is about 40%, the domestic operating rate is 10-712 US dollars/ton, the operating rate of FOB Korea is 730-732 US dollars/ton, and the operating rate of CFR China is about 80%. , The sharp drop in external disk prices has a negative impact on the domestic xylene market price, and the xylene market price trend has declined.

Recently, the price of WTI crude oil futures in the United States fell by US$0.50 to US$49.61 per barrel; the price of Brent crude oil futures fell by US$53.96 to US$0.49 per barrel. The oil market has not escaped the impact of this round of black swans. After another round of decline, crude oil will inevitably enter a bear market. The oversupply situation has caused crude oil prices to fall, but the sudden epidemic has further exacerbated people's concerns about global energy demand. Whether cutting oil production is feasible, it may be necessary to say that the decline in crude oil prices is conducive to the rise of domestic chemical prices, and domestic xylene prices have fallen sharply.

In terms of raw material PTA, the price of PTA has recently fallen sharply to RMB 4,300-4,400 per ton. At present, the processing cost of PTA has dropped to about 50 yuan per ton, and the pre-holiday processing cost has been close to 600 yuan per ton, and new production capacity has been launched before the holiday. The output is still high now. During the spring farming period, stocks increased significantly, social stocks increased by nearly 30% compared to before holidays, and spot market transaction prices fell. Affected by the epidemic, the recovery of downstream work was delayed and logistics work was restricted. The loosening of the logistics chain has led to the accumulation of inventory. In the future, downstream textile companies will face delays in production orders or even breach of contracts. Downstream PTA demand will further deteriorate. PTA on the market will drop sharply, while xylene will drop sharply.

The recent sharp drop in crude oil prices has had a negative impact on the xylene market. In addition, the downstream terminal demand has not improved significantly. Business news analysts believe that PX market prices may remain low.