Application and harm of hydrogen peroxide
2021/06/07 17:21

Hydrogen peroxide, also known as peroxide, is a low-toxic substance, but if used improperly, it can still cause harm to the human body. Next, I will introduce you to the use of hydrogen peroxide and its hazards.

Hydrogen peroxide application:

The hydrogen peroxide solution is used in the medical field to complete cleaning and disinfection work;

Soak a cotton ball in hydrogen peroxide water and use it to soak the nails to make the nails whiter;

Hydrogen peroxide can be used as a bleaching agent for long-lasting bleaching effect. Hydrogen peroxide is usually used to bleach paper, fabrics, food, etc.;

Using hydrogen peroxide can not only remove the dirt on the skin, but also directly enhance the vitality of the surface cells of the skin;

Use hydrogen peroxide to clean the contact lens to remove the protein accumulated on it;

If you encounter bad breath that can't be improved by brushing your teeth, rinse your mouth with diluted hydrogen peroxide for half a minute to eliminate bad microorganisms in the oral cavity once a week;

Hydrogen peroxide can also clean the ears, remove the dirt in the ears, and ensure the health of the ears. Just dip a little hydrogen peroxide with a cotton cloth, then gently turn it into the ears, clean them, and then change to another cotton swab. can.

Peroxide hazards:

1. Hydrogen peroxide can cause yellow fever in rats, rabbits and other animals, and is dangerous to humans;

Second, hydrogen peroxide is closely related to the occurrence and development of Alzheimer's disease, especially Alzheimer's disease;

Inhalation of hydrogen peroxide through the respiratory tract can cause lung damage;

Consumption of hydrogen peroxide can cause gastric mucosa to be irritated, leading to gastrointestinal damage and gastrointestinal diseases.