Preservation of glassware
2021/07/01 09:31

Save the glassware.

Pour the clean and tidy glass instruments on the partitions of the special cabinets and spread clean filter paper, close the cabinet doors to prevent them from falling, and cover the glassware with gauze.

It should be kept separately according to the characteristics, uses, and test requirements of different glass instruments. For example, as follows:

(1) The moving tube can be placed in an enamel tray or box with a lid, and cleaned with a filter paper pad

(2) The dropper can be poured on the dropper, or filled with distilled water, add a finger tube or a small beaker to the upper mouth. The DDT tube (containing test solution) used must also avoid contamination when the operation is suspended

(3) Clean the cuvettes, cuvettes, and centrifuge tubes in a special box or put them upside down on a special rack for filter paper

(4) Clean glass instruments equipped with ground stoppers, such as measuring bottles, weighing bottles, iodine measuring bottles, reagent bottles, etc., must be stoppered for storage

(5) Glass instruments with set stoppers and covers, such as pycnometers, weighing bottles, measuring flasks, dispensing hoppers, colorimetric tubes, droppers, etc., must be kept in the original set, and shall not be disassembled, used or stored

(6) Special combination instruments, such as Kjeldahl trace nitrogen analyzer, K-D evaporation concentrator, rotary evaporation concentrator, etc., should be cleaned and protected.