What Are The Properties of Ammonia?
2021/09/25 09:37

Ammonia is an aqueous solution of ammonia. It is colorless, transparent and has a pungent smell. So what are the properties of ammonia?

1. The volatile

Ammonia is easy to volatilize out of ammonia, and the volatilization rate increases with the increase of temperature and storage time, and the amount of volatilization increases with the increase of concentration.

2. The corrosive

Ammonia water has a certain corrosive effect, the corrosion of carbonized ammonia water is more serious. The corrosion of copper is relatively strong, steel is relatively poor, cement corrosion is not much. It also has a certain corrosive effect on wood. It's a dangerous chemical,

3. The weak alkaline

Ammonia has the properties of a base:

Colorless phenolphthalein test solution can turn red, can make purple litmus test solution blue, can make wet red litmus test paper blue. This method is commonly used in laboratories to test for the presence of NH3.

It can also react with acids to form ammonium salts. White smoke is produced when concentrated ammonia water meets volatile acids such as concentrated hydrochloric and nitric acids.

In industry, the weak alkalinity of ammonia is used to absorb the tail gas of sulfuric acid industry to prevent environmental pollution.

4. Instability

Ammonia monohydrate is unstable, easy to decompose when exposed to light and generate ammonia and water.

5. Combustible

It can react with oxygen to form water and nitrogen, promising as a harmless fuel. But the disadvantage is that it must be burned in pure oxygen. (Combustion phenomenon: ammonia gas burns in pure oxygen, emits red light, heats up, and generates colorless gas and droplets)

6. The precipitation

Ammonia is a good precipitator, it can react with a variety of metal ions to form insoluble weak bases or amphoteric hydroxides.