What is sulfonated cobalt phthalocyanine?
2021/06/09 14:49

First, an overview:

Sulfonated cobalt phthalocyanine is an effective catalyst for removing mercaptan in light oil. Gasoline containing sour crude oil has a relatively high sulfur content. Mercaptans wrapped in gasoline will produce odor and corrosiveness, reducing the lead content of gasoline. At the same time, the same is true for mercaptans. Oxidizers can promote the oxidative shrinkage of unstable components in gasoline, resulting in poor storage stability. Sulfonated cobalt phthalocyanine is an efficient catalyst for removing mercaptan sulfur in accumulative oil, with the same effect. The catalyst will occur during use. The solvent is dissolved in 10% lye, heated for a period of time, stirred and dissolved before use.

Second, indicators:

1. Appearance: dark blue powder.

Particle size, 80 mesh sieve: ≤10%

Cobalt content: ≥6%

Dethiol content: ≥95.

Solubility: 1 gram of sulfonated cobalt phthalocyanine is soluble in 20ml of 10% NaOH aqueous solution at room temperature.

5. Desulfurization activity: from 100ppm to less than 10ppm.

Third, use configuration:

The concentration of the prepared liquid alkali is between 10-15%.

Add liquid caustic soda (100-200PPM, per ton of oil) into the catalyst.

The ratio of liquid caustic soda catalyst mixture to oil is R=1:2 (high sulfur) and 1:4 (low sulfur).

The prepared catalyst liquid caustic is fully mixed with oil through pump circulation or air stirring to make it fully activated and static.

Add the precipitate and separate the oil.

The catalytic base can be recycled.